I’ve definitely gained a lot in terms of understanding the logic behind certain coding principles compared to when I was just starting out.
Additionally, combining these concepts and principles together to create one big cohesive program is something that I thought I could’ve never done had I not taken this class.
Although I have a decent understanding of how these different files interact with each other, I could definitely use a lot of work in terms of understanding the syntax of both HTML and JavaScript.
If there’s anything that has helped me in my coding journey, it has been because of the WODs.
While the WODs have helped to reinforce my experiential learning, the labs have been essential in helping me understand from a conceptual standpoint and sort of breaking the mold when it comes to introducing new topics.
Seeing as I now have a fully functional template that I can build upon, Assignment 2 shouldn’t be too rough.
Although the WODs, labs, and readings and all that have great for my learning, if I came in as a complete beginner, it could’ve been even more rough had I not had prior knowledge of code.
Unfortunately, coding isn’t really something that you can just learn by reading. As such, I would probably suggest implementing optional practice assignments that have you code something that is somewhat aligned with whatever we’re doing in class that week.
As previously mentioned, all of these learning implements have definitely helped me not only for the class assignments but for my understanding of coding as a whole.
I’ve been treating the readings and labs as an introductory tool to kind of help me get settled and comfortable with a certain topic.
After that I use the WODs as a way of testing and applying my knowledge and really seeing how much of the material I retained.